好耐無見到大家!最希望就係6月活動唔要再遇上落大雨取消啦!元老級遊戲“九宮格”+ 故事小禮物🎁週末見! (另外靜靜咁話畀你聽:上次仲剩有少量鹽田梓故事地圖,先到先得!記住講出通關密碼:鹽田「故」仔呀)
We haven’t seen you for quite a while! Hopefully, our June events will be blessed with great weather. Our visitor storytelling platform will be held on June 10 & 11& 24& 25. We will have our classic nine-square game along with some small gifts for you. We also have some Yim Tin Tsai story maps left from last time, first come first serve!
好久不见到大家!最希望就是6月活动不要再遇上下大雨取消了!元老级游戏“九宫格”+故事小礼物🎁周末见! (另外静静那就说给你听:上次还剩有少量盐田梓故事地图,先到先得!记住说出通关密码:盐田「故」仔)